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These days, many people are more conscious than ever about various aspects of their different types of insurance coverage, largely because more information about those policies is out there than ever before. However, the fact remains that some long-time myths about auto insurance coverage are harder to shake than others, and as a result many Americans may still be driving around with some serious misconceptions. Consequently, it is likely incumbent upon insurance agents themselves to make sure clients know what will and won't affect their ongoing coverage costs.

One of the biggest myths in auto insurance, to this day, is that brightly colored cars cost more to insure than more modest models, according to a report from the Insurance Journal. In fact, a recent poll found that 52 percent of drivers thought this was the case, when in reality a vehicle's color has no effect on its insurance premiums. Further, 46 percent of those polled said that they thought insurance companies could just drop their clients at any time following an accident, but in most cases the company would have to wait until the policy expires on its own.

What else do consumers believe?
Further, there is a misconception - perhaps understandable - about one of the most popular kinds of auto insurance policy, the report said. It seems that nearly 1 in 3 drivers believe that ""comprehensive"" plans will cover them for everything, when this is, of course, not the case. Finally, it seems that a quarter of drivers believe that if someone borrows their car and gets into an accident, the other person's coverage will pay for it, but this is not the case either. Instead, insurance covers the car, and not the driver.

The more insurance agents can do to develop relationships with their clients, the better off they're likely to be when it comes to keeping customer satisfaction rates as high as possible. This is because surveys show consumers generally value that kind of high-quality customer service over the ability to simply save money on their policies, and as such there may be wisdom in finding a way to balance these two crucial issues in an ideal way. Doing so, in turn, could help to keep customer retention rates as high as possible, and even lead to more referrals on occasion.
