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"Building an Insurance Agency Business Plan Any company, no matter what industry it is in, needs a comprehensive business plan. The reason this document is needed is that it basically serves as a roadmap for where you want your organization to go in the near and far future. Before your company even begins, you need to develop the insurance agency business plan in full to be prepared for practically anything. How Do You Build a Plan? It requires a lot of research to have an effective business plan. For starters, you want to creative realistic objectives. Determine where you want your insurance agency to be one year from now, two years from now and so on. If you have business partners, then you want to consult with them to help develop the plan. It is acceptable to have a fairly basic plan initially. You should periodically review your business plan and update it as necessary. For instance, if you created an objective and did not meet it, then you would need to adjust future objectives accordingly. What Is the Importance of a Plan? The business plan contains all essential information, so it is important because anything you would need to convey about your agency is right there in the plan. You want a description of the company as a whole as well as descriptions of the types of products you sell. In this case, that would be the types of policies your organization offers. Additional information can include: 1. Financial information, including cash-flow statements, income statements and balance sheets 2. Organizational chart that outlines the company’s infrastructure 3. Marketing strategy, such as branding and planned special events 4. Overall marketing analysis of the insurance industry If you plan on getting a loan at some point, then you definitely need an insurance agency business plan. In fact, you would need to include a funding request within your business plan before meeting with a lender. Business plans are valuable tools for insurance companies. Have yours ready in case someone requests it."