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These days, many Americans are growing increasingly aware of what the various types of insurance they have end up costing them every month, and a large percentage of them may be concerned with just how high that number is. As a result, lots of them will typically also seek out new coverage over the course of the year, but experts generally advise that this could end up having a deleterious effect on the actual quality of their plans. For these reasons, the more insurance agents can do to educate consumers about what they're actually paying for now, and what they're likely to lose if they just go with the cheapest option available, the better off both parties are likely to be.

There are many ways in which having the ability to save even a hundred dollars a month on auto insurance coverage could actually have a negative impact on drivers, according to a report from the consumer advice site Nerdwallet. For instance, people could see the amount of liability coverage they carry for any given accident drop significantly, especially for people who drive newer cars. This could also have a negative impact on what they have to pay out of pocket if they do get into an accident.

What to look for
For these reasons, people who are considering a switch might be on the lookout for plans that will simply allow them to save the most money, but this isn't a good idea in a lot of cases, the report said. Because they cannot get what they don't pay for, those who are that eager to cut costs without first checking to see if they qualify for any discounts with their current insurers will likely see many of the benefits they previously enjoyed become unavailable to them.

Because consumers often consider the cost of their insurance first and foremost, agents who highlight just what it is people are paying for at present, and what they stand to lose by switching to lower-cost plans, may end up doing quite well for themselves. That's because consumers' understanding of what is and isn't in their coverage often isn't as good as it ideally could be, and the more education they receive, the more informed their decisions are likely to be going forward. This could also serve to increase both customer satisfaction and retention rates.
