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<p>Our plans</p>
<p>Our plans</p>

    Our plans

    Industry-leading features and support to help you grow your book of business

    You need an edge when it comes to meeting customer expectations.

    We give you access to the nation's leading carriers and digital tools so you can help your customer find the right coverage.

    Meet more of your customers' needs and sell more policies with our robust market network and enhanced tools. Provide the fast, efficient service your customers expect in today’s digital world.

    Our plans feature


    No volume requirements

    With bolt access, you don't have to worry about maintaining a certain volume requirement.


    100% book ownership

    We empower our agents and support their independence, which is why you keep 100% of your book of business.


    Month-to-month agreements

    Business changes… the world changes. We get it. Which is why we’ve made it easy for you to leave if your needs change.


    Expert support

    Our team is what makes the difference. The access to our experts in placement, service, and agency success is why so many agents rely on us to grow their business.

    Flexible membership plans

    *Commissions may vary by carrier, state, and line of business

    • All Access

      Personal lines
      9% - 13%New business
      7% - 9%Renewal
      Commercial lines
      8% - 12%New business
      7% - 10%Renewal
        Market Access to Auto, Home, and Small Commercial Lines
        Electronic Payment Forms
        Lead Management System
        Consumer Quoting Widget
        Direct Appointment Integration
    • Superior

      Personal lines
      9% - 13%New business
      7% - 9%Renewal
      Commercial lines
      8% - 12%New business
      7% - 10%Renewal
        Market Access to Auto, Home, and Small Commercial Lines
        Electronic Payment Forms
        Lead Management System
        Consumer Quoting Widget
        Direct Appointment Integration
    • Select

      Personal lines
      8% - 10%New business
      5% - 6%Renewal
      Commercial lines
      7% - 10%New business
      6% - 8%Renewal
        Market Access to Auto, Home, and Small Commercial Lines
        Electronic Payment Forms
        Lead Management System
        Consumer Quoting Widget
        Direct Appointment Integration

    Agency Success Stories22 September, 2021

    Growing Agencies Through Easy Market Access

    Real members. Real experiences. Real success stories.

    Read more

    Why bolt access?


    Extensive market access to preferred personal and commercial lines.


    Research, write, track and manage your business through our new, easy-to-use insurance platform.


    Comparative, real-time quotes across multiple lines of business and carriers, with just one application.


    Fast turnaround times for processing your quotes, binds, and requests.

    Features Background

    Frequently asked questions

    What support does bolt access offer?

    At bolt access we are committed to seeing our agents succeed. We have dedicated agency success managers who help to educate and train new members with our platform and they’ll even help walk you through getting your first bind. Our agent engagement and placement teams are here to help your business grow by providing competitive options and faster turnaround times for your customers. And our support team is well versed in our products, processes, and technologies, and is dedicated to your satisfaction.

    What is an insurance wholesaler?

    A wholesale insurance broker provides retail brokers access to a variety of insurance carriers. Instead of directly selling to customers, insurance wholesalers provide agents with access to more carriers, allowing those agents to better serve and expand their customer base through offering more carrier options and insurance lines.

    What is an insurance aggregator?

    An insurance aggregator can mean a couple of things in the insurance industry. Agency aggregators are networks of small agencies that are formally associated for mutual support, utilizing their network for higher commissions and/or profit share. You may also see insurance aggregators refer to comparison shopping sites, offering quotes from various carriers for an insurance policy.

    What’s the difference between an insurance aggregator and an insurance wholesaler?

    On the surface insurance aggregators and wholesalers are very similar as they both are designed to help small insurance agents improve their business. However, bolt access is uniquely positioned as a wholesaler who aggregates sub-agent’s volume with placement specialists who adhere to carrier guidelines and offer appointment and carrier products while allowing agencies to continue to operate independently and still own 100% of their book.

    What is an agency management system?

    An agency management system, or AMS, is software that insurance agencies use to organize their book of business while improving their agency operations. bolt access offers agency management tools that help our agents store, track, prioritize, and follow up on their customers and potential leads.

    Ready to chat?

    Our team is here to help!

    Give us a call


    Or schedule a meeting

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    bolt access

    Agent Focused. 
    Tech Savvy.